Translating from English into Estonian

Marketing materials: web pages, articles, press releases, social media content, brochures, ads, newsletters, subtitles, etc.

Business texts: reviews, reports, surveys/questionnaires, study summaries, trainings/courses, documents/templates, codes of etichs and conduct, sales/service/use terms and conditions, privacy policies/statements (protection of personal data), contracts/agreements etc.

European Union texts: acts, reports, explanatory notes, communication, guidelines, web portal content and user interface, etc.

Localization: web pages, programme/application user interfaces, web courses, online questionnaires etc.

Areas/subjects: economy, finance, banking, business, management, marketing, sales, public relations, customer relationship management, IT solutions, business programs/applications, human resources management, service, quality management, risk management, financial management, trade, personal data protection; society, education, environment etc.

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